Genioplasty also known as Mentoplasty, is a surgical procedure that has gained importance in the field of facial aesthetics in recent years. This procedure aims to correct the overall symmetry and aesthetic balance of the face by changing the size, shape, and position of the chin.
Chosen for both functional and aesthetic reasons, mentoplasty significantly alters individuals’ facial profiles, and these changes have positive effects on their self-confidence and social lives.
This article will provide detailed information about the mentoplasty procedure, its potential benefits, and the recovery process and aftermath.
Genioplasty Surgery
Genioplasty is a surgical process for reshaping the lower part of the chin, usually conducted to improve the facial profile or correct anomalies in the jaw structure. This procedure is particularly used for reducing the size of the chin, especially in cases where the tip of the chin is excessively large. In such cases, a specific portion of the chin is removed to achieve a more appropriate size and shape.
Procedures like the repositioning of jaw bones are more extensive and complex surgeries that require a long recovery period and care. Hence, the size and complexity of such surgeries vary according to the individual.
As genioplasty is a surgical operation, experiencing post-operative pain and discomfort is normal. However, patients do not feel pain during the procedure because anesthesia is used.
Genioplasty, when performed by an experienced surgeon using modern surgical techniques in a well-equipped hospital environment, is considered safe. The addition of implants to the chin and the reshaping and repositioning of jaw bones typically provide permanent results.
During the surgery, nerves in the chin area, especially the mental nerve that provides sensation to the lower lip and chin, may be damaged. This can lead to symptoms like numbness, tingling, or loss of sensation. However, such nerve damage is usually temporary and can heal within a few weeks or months.
While some procedures like the addition of implants can be reversible, bone structuring operations are more permanent and difficult to reverse. Reversing changes in the bone structure would require new surgical intervention and it’s often not possible to fully restore the original jaw structure.
The success rate of genioplasty is generally high, but it can vary depending on factors such as the surgeon’s experience, the type of procedure, patient characteristics, and expectations. All these procedures are performed by plastic surgeons or maxillofacial surgeons.

Individuals Suitable for Genioplasty Include:
1. For Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea, often caused by obstruction of the airway during sleep, is characterized by recurrent pauses in breathing. A chin that is set back can lead to the tongue falling backward, blocking the airway. Certain anomalies in jaw structure can also narrow the airway, leading to breathing problems during sleep. From a genioplasty perspective, correcting such structural issues can open up the airway and alleviate symptoms of sleep apnea.
2. For TMJ Disorder
TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder is a joint disorder involving the function of the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. Genioplasty, however, deals with the aesthetic and structural adjustment of the chin, often aiming to alter the size and shape of the chin tip. Therefore, genioplasty does not typically address TMJ disorders.
3. For Jaw Asymmetry
Jaw asymmetry occurs when the jaw grows or develops in an unbalanced manner. Genioplasty is a surgical procedure used to correct jaw asymmetry. This procedure aims to alter the shape and size of the jaw to achieve a more balanced and symmetrical appearance.
4. For Overbite (Upper Jaw Protrusion)
This condition is characterized by the upper jaw protruding beyond the lower jaw and usually requires orthodontic treatment. Genioplasty, which is concerned with the aesthetic appearance of the chin tip and the lower part of the jaw, does not directly address overbites. However, genioplasty can help in addressing aesthetic concerns related to overbite, such as by visually advancing the lower jaw to improve the balance of the facial profile.
5. For Cleft Jaw
A cleft jaw is a congenital anomaly resulting in a split or cleft in the jaw. Genioplasty can effectively improve the appearance of a cleft jaw by making the chin appear more natural and symmetrical.
6. For Underbite (Lower Jaw Protrusion)
Underbite is a condition where the lower jaw protrudes beyond the upper jaw. Genioplasty is not a direct method for correcting an underbite. It primarily focuses on the aesthetic aspects of the chin rather than the alignment of the jaw.
7. For Lip Insufficiency
Genioplasty can assist in addressing aesthetic concerns related to lip insufficiency. For example, correcting the position of the lower jaw can alter the appearance of the lips. However, this is generally aimed at improving the overall facial aesthetics and does not directly resolve lip issues.
8. For Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep due to partial or complete obstruction of the airways. Genioplasty, by moving the chin forward, can expand the airways and alleviate symptoms of sleep apnea.
9. For Advancing the Chin
This procedure is applied in cases where the chin is recessed and aims to bring the chin more forward. It involves surgically cutting and reshaping the bone structure of the lower part of the chin.
10. For Received Chin
Genioplasty for a recessed chin is a surgical procedure aimed at aesthetic and functional improvement in cases where the chin is set back. It can also correct issues related to chewing or speaking in some cases.
11. For Chin Deficiency
Performed for both aesthetic and functional reasons, this type of genioplasty is especially applied to correct functions like chewing and speaking and to enhance facial aesthetics.
Genioplasty is performed under general anesthesia, meaning the patient is completely asleep during the operation and does not feel any pain or discomfort. The surgical procedure lasts between 1 and 3 hours.
This procedure is carried out under general anesthesia. Surgery typically begins with incisions made inside the mouth. The surgeon cuts the jawbone and reshapes it as needed. The chin is then secured in its new position using fixation devices like screws, plates, implants, or wires.
The recovery process usually takes a few weeks. As with any surgical procedure, genioplasty also carries risks such as infection, bleeding, nerve damage, and complications during the healing process.
Benefits of Genioplasty
- It helps in achieving an aesthetic appearance for the chin, especially in the side view of the facial profile.
- It corrects functions related to chewing and speaking for individuals experiencing problems due to the structure of their jaw.
- It assists with respiratory problems (OSA).
- It increases an individual’s self-confidence and overall quality of life.
Disadvantages of Genioplasty
- Like any surgical procedure, there are risks of infection and bleeding associated with it.
- There is a risk of nerve damage, which can lead to loss of sensation or numbness in the chin and lips.
- Asymmetry or undesirable aesthetic results may occur.
- Post-surgical swelling, bruising, and pain are normal and can persist for some time.

Returning to Routine After Surgery
The first few days after surgery are the most intense in terms of recovery. Patients may experience swelling, bruising, and pain. By the end of the first week, patients usually begin to return to their daily activities. Most of the swelling subsides towards the end of the first month. A full recovery typically takes several months. After this period, the final shape and position of the chin become more apparent.
Since genioplasty is performed through incisions inside the mouth, there are no visible scars on the outside. The incisions in the mouth are made under the lips or near the gums. Especially when making more significant changes to the shape of the chin, external incisions may be required. These types of incisions are made under the chin or behind the ears, making them less visible.
During the first few days, it can be difficult to speak due to swelling and pain in the mouth and jaw areas. This typically improves within a few days to weeks.
During the recovery process, it is necessary to avoid hard, chewy, or sticky foods. Soft foods and liquids should be preferred during this period. Foods and drinks at a lukewarm temperature are recommended. Smoking and alcohol can affect the healing process and increase the risk of infection.
Moreover, moving the chin forward or backward can affect the position and shape of the lips. When the chin is moved forward, the lower lip may also move slightly forward. When the chin is moved backward, it can make the lips appear thinner.
Post-surgery, patients should not lie face down. During the recovery period, lying on the back is advised. For the first few days or weeks, the head should be kept elevated above the level of the heart. This position helps reduce swelling and discomfort in the surgical area. Lying face down or on the side can apply pressure to the area. Heavy exercise or strenuous physical activities should be avoided during the first few weeks.
In the first 24-48 hours post-surgery, you should avoid showering. Keeping the wound area dry during this time is important. Hot water and steam can increase swelling in the surgical area; therefore, lukewarm water should be used.
The term “bone regrowth” refers to the healing and adaptation process. Post-procedure, it is not expected that the bones will completely return to their original state and that the same issues will recur.
Lastly, genioplasty can change your smile. This is because such procedures are done to change the shape, size, or position of the jaw. These changes can affect how the lips and teeth are aligned. Therefore, they can result in a change in the smile.
What is the Difference Between Orthognathic Surgery and Genioplasty?
Orthognathic surgery is primarily performed to solve problems related to chewing, speaking, and breathing by aligning the jawbone. In contrast, genioplasty is often carried out for aesthetic purposes, such as moving the chin forward or backward. Orthognathic surgery typically involves a longer and more complex recovery period, while genioplasty usually results in a shorter recovery period with milder symptoms.
How Much Does Genioplasty Cost in Turkey?
In Turkey, the cost of genioplasty surgery averages around 6,400 dollars. However, this cost can vary from as low as 1,100 dollars to as high as 15,000 dollars.
If the surgery is performed solely for aesthetic purposes, most health insurance does not cover such surgeries. However, if it stems from a medical necessity (such as difficulties breathing or problems chewing), some insurance policies might cover such surgical procedures.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does genioplasty tighten the skin?
No, genioplasty is not an effective method to directly tighten the skin.
Can genioplasty be performed with braces?
Yes, it is possible to perform braces and genioplasty together. Genioplasty can be performed after orthodontic treatment is completed.
Can the screws be removed after genioplasty?
These screws may need to be removed, especially if infections, allergic reactions, or other complications occur. If it is decided to remove the screws, this requires a separate surgical procedure.
How long do titanium plates last?
Titanium plates are highly durable and long-lasting materials for medical uses. They are designed to stay permanently inside the body and can last a lifetime.