What is vitiligo?
Vitiligo is white spots on skin surface due to decreased melanin pigment production. Although the exact cause of this disease is unknown, it is believed that problems in immune system and genetic factors may cause this problem. White spots on the skin can be regional, disperse or on whole body. Genetic factors (someone in the family having this disease), stress and certain diseases may trigger this condition. This disease shows up before 20 or between 20-40.
Can vitiligo spots be reduced?
Although there is no exact treatment for this disease, there are methods to hide these spots. While various creams and sprays offer temporary solution, permanent make-up is a technique that successfully hides these white spots. Paramedical pigments are applied under the skin with special tools and the results to hide spots are highly successful. Since it is possible to mix these pigments, colour that matches the skin tone of the patient can be achieved. Individuals who experience psychologic problems as well as social life problems due to vitiligo can have this permanent make-up method and this method has lifelong permanent pigments. Permanent make-up application is highly preferred by individuals who experience white spotting problem to restore self-confidence of these individuals.
Since extra care is needed to apply on skins with deformed structure, this procedure is hard to apply. Therefore, it is highly important to apply this method by experts and experienced individuals.