What is a laser hair removal application?
A laser hair removal application operates with a device that emits ultraviolet rays. In fact, before learning more about laser hair removal, it is beneficial to learn about primary hair growth cycles. All hair on our body completes its growth in 4 stages: pre-anagen, anagen, catagen, and telogen. The pre-anagen phase is the period where hair roots start hair growth. The anagen phase is the most active development of this hair, which grows under the skin. The anagen phase is the most suitable phase for laser hair removal. The Catagen phase is when the activity of live cells inside the root stop, root structure changes, and transitions to interlude. The telogen phase is when hair growth stops, and hair is discarded from the body.
Laser hair removal application that consists of multiple sessions is a medical process applied to end hair growth by damaging hair roots in the anagen phase in a controlled manner with ultraviolet rays. The main reason for multiple sessions in laser hair removal is that each hair root is in a different anagen phase. Since each root has a different anagen phase, it is impossible to stop root activities in one session.

Are laser hair removal results permanent?
The purpose of laser hair removal is to damage hair roots in a controlled and permanent way without damaging surrounding tissues. If there are no hormonal problems, when a device suitable for the hair and skin color of the individual is used, hair growth can permanently be stopped. With current technology and new appliances, laser hair removal can always end hair root activity. Hair in the laser hair removal region can decrease up to 90%.
How many sessions of laser hair removal should be applied? What should the frequency of sessions be?
Since laser hair removal rays effectively affect active hair roots, maximum results cannot be achieved in a single session because not all the hair roots are involved in the same period. While hair roots are active during application are impacted by laser hair removal, there will be no effect on roots in other phases. Since hair color, structure, and growth steps change for each individual, the number of sessions depends on each individual. Generally, at least eight sessions are recommended for successful results. Additionally, the different number of sessions for other regions is another critical parameter.
While the interval between each session can be 6-8 weeks for the body, this interval is 4-6 weeks for the face. These intervals may be long after a couple of sessions. The ideal time for the next session is when hair grows back and hair is noticeable from the skin. Such growth shows that hair roots are active, which can be removed with a session.
Is laser hair removal safe?
Many female and male patients who come to our clinic for laser hair removal applications ask: “does laser hair removal have harmful health effects?” This question is common because people often confuse gamma and x rays that contain radiation with lights emitted by laser hair removal devices. The first thing to know is regardless of laser hair removal devices; these devices emit light, not rays. Since these are not rays, they do not have radiation. The laser hair removal device’s light is absorbed by targeted melanin in hair roots, and these lights do not penetrate deep inside the skin.
Can I have laser hair removal during pregnancy?
There are no adverse health effects for mother or baby health when laser hair removal application that has been applied for 20 years is applied on pregnant women. Although there are no health risks, since mothers are more sensitive, it is recommended not to have laser hair removal or needled hair removal to the belly or nipple in the last three months of pregnancy.
Does laser hair removal cause cancer?
There is no medical evidence showing that laser hair removal causes cancer. Since there is no radiation-emitting, it can be said that this application does not cause cancer.
Does laser hair removal cause infertility?
One common misunderstanding is that “laser hair removal to genital region harms ovary.” This is just an urban myth. Laser lights cannot affect internal organs. Therefore, it is not possible to hurt the uterus or ovary.
Laser hair removal devices
Alexandrite Laser Hair Removal Device: This device has a 755-nanometre wavelength and permanently destroys dark hair. When applied by experts, the risk for skin burns or dark sports is minimum. Alexandrite laser system uses single shots. An Alexandrite laser technology, laser light turns into heat and is absorbed by melanin pigment. Absorbed heat damages hair roots and permanently ends hair growth.
Diode Laser (Ironing system)
Since this device has an 800-810 nanometre wavelength, this system has a more profound effect on hair roots than other laser technologies. Since this laser penetrates deeper, pain is higher. Therefore, a cold gel is applied to decrease pain. Since the device nozzle is applied to the skin using the hard gel, it is also known as an ironing system.
Soprano Ice Laser
This is one of the latest laser systems. This system enables a more extensive application area. A special nozzle allows applying ice to the same place. This is a comfortable and painless laser hair removal.
Most Effective Laser Hair Removal Device
The most effective laser hair removal device is relative. The effects of each device will be different for each individual because each device in laser hair removal application will offer more efficient results for extra skin and hair color combinations. Laser hair removal devices must have FDA approval. While the Alexandrite laser system has maximum efficiency for light skin a dark, thick hair combination, this system may negatively affect thin, weak hair by stimulating melanin pigment. Diode laser system ensures high efficiency on dark skin and light, delicate hair combination. Soprano ice laser technology can be applied to all skin colors. This method is effective on fuzz, light blonde, and ginger hair.
Most Painless Laser Hair Removal System
Pain can be different for each individual. While some people say laser hair removal is painless, others feel high pain. In general, pain during laser hair removal application is similar to hitting your skin with rubber.
Does laser hair removal application has an age limit?
Women can start laser hair removal after their first period. Men can begin when they complete their adolescences period. Menopause does not cause any problems for women.
Does laser hair removal remove tattoos?
If you have a tattoo on the laser hair removal application area, the laser light will directly focus on the color pigment under your skin and emitted by these pigments. This is both painful and damaging your tattoo. The tattoo area and surrounding 2 cm should be covered during laser hair removal application. Additionally, if you have a laser on your lip and permanent makeup, you need to warn your expert aesthetician.
Best time for laser hair removal
Laser hair removal applications can be made in 4 seasons. But it would be best to be careful during summer when sun rays are maximum. This may cause skin spots. For example, if you have laser hair removal during summer, you should avoid bronzing. If the application area is not protected with high sun protection creams, skin spots or irritation may occur. You may experience permanent deformation like scars. Therefore, the best time for laser hair removal application is in autumn and winter, where the sun’s effect is minimal.
Holiday after laser hair removal
If you are planning to go on vacation during summer, laser hair removal is not recommended for your skin health. Laser hair removal before sunbathing or swimming may cause permanent damage to your skin. Experts advise protecting your skin for the first three days, but this process can take up to 15 days, depending on your sensitivity. If you plan a holiday where you will be exposed to the sun, you must protect your skin with sun protectors. Also, you should moisturize your skin with moisturizing lotions and prevent dry skin.
Laser hair removal for men
Men show a high interest in laser hair removal as women. Men often want laser hair removal operations on shoulders, back, belly, chest, and back. Other than mucosa areas and eye areas, all areas are suitable for men’s bodies.
Who cannot have laser hair removal?
Individuals with diabetes and under heavy drug treatment must consult their doctor first. Laser hair removal cannot be made with an open scar or inflammation. If you have a chronic or hereditary disease or any skin condition, you need to inform the expert before application. Underdeveloped hair and white hair are not suitable for laser hair removal. Individuals who use medication with isotretinoin active ingredients that are used for acne and psoriasis cannot have laser hair removal for at least six months. Individuals who have epilepsy or pacemaker cannot have laser hair removal.
Things to Do Before Laser Hair Removal
- You should avoid plucking your hair (wax, tweezer, epilator) at least one month before laser hair removal.
- You should avoid sunbathing or solarium at least one month before application. You need to keep your natural skin color to have maximum results from laser hair removal.
- You must avoid hair bleachers before application.
- If you have peeling, you should stop this 15 days before the application.
- You must clean all cosmetic products (foundation, creme, perfume, body lotion, etc.) before laser hair removal sessions.
Things to Do and Know During Laser Hair Removal
- Slight redness is perfectly normal after application. This redness is temporary.
- Since the application will last at least eight sessions, you need to protect your skin from the sun. You must always use sunscreen with at least 30 protection factors.
- After laser hair removal sessions, the warm-cold bath is okay. But, it would be best if you avoided contact with hot water to prevent irritation.
- After each session, you must apply moisturizing cream three times per day for at least one week. (If your expert recommends any creme, you should use it in recommended doses.)
- If your hair does not shed after the session, you can ask for free retouch in 15 days.
- You can shorten your hair that grows between laser hair removal sessions. (You should avoid removing your hair roots.)
- You must not use perfume or deodorant (on the application area) for 48 hours after sessions.
- It would help if you avoided irritating applications such as peeling after laser sessions.
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