Infinity Lift
Sagging, wrinkles, skin folds are a natural part of the biological process while aging. The most visible sign of this process is seen on the face and the neck. Collagen production in the skin decreases over time, and the skin loses its elasticity. Thus, sagging in the neck, chin, and neck occurs. Although genetics and aging mainly affect the skin, sun exposure is a major cause of wrinkles and sagging, especially for people with light skin. Pollutants and smoking also cause wrinkling. So what is the reason for prominent sagging and wrinkles?
- Postmenopausal period
- Malnutrition
- Frequent weight loss/gain
- Cigarette alcohol consumption
- Exposure to sunlight
- Stressful life
- Irregular sleep
- Genetic factors
- Neglecting the skincare
- Facial Expressions
There are many methods to eliminate droopy face and neck, including invasive-surgical and non-invasive aesthetic procedures. Surgical procedures performed to remove the aged appearance offer permanent results, which will be used for many years. A surgical facelift is an operation in that excess skin and fat are removed from the face and neck. The results usually last 7 to 10 years. Even if surgical operations are recommended for the patients, the situation has reversed with a recent successful non-surgical facelift and non-surgical face rejuvenation procedures. Moreover, these operations’ costs and long recovery periods give patients pause for a second thought. We offer you a non-invasive technique to have a rejuvenated face in such circumstances.
An Effective Solution for Facial Sagging
Unlike surgical operations, thread lift which is a non-invasive technique is the most preferred one among medical procedures because thread lifting procedure is performed as an alternative. The thread lift, also known as infinity lift, is a safe and non-surgical method used to correct sagging and restore the face from its old looks to its youthful appearance. In addition, thanks to the collagen it contains, it provides regeneration on your skin by increasing blood flow to the skin and preventing more sagging and wrinkles.
Infinity Lift is a non-surgical, permanent facelift method with natural-looking, silicone-based, durable threads. It provides lifting and rejuvenation to the face without threatening human health. This technique, the newest among non-surgical facelift procedures, corrects these drooping problems in men and women with sagging faces. It does not make the skin sag over time since it is not elastic and does not stretch. So, it is also easier to make symmetrical arrangements.
The procedure lasts less than 1 hour and is performed under local anesthesia. The examination determines the areas to be worked on before the process. These thin threads are placed in pairs on both sides of the face under appropriate skin plans. Since the attachment area of the thread is preferred over the ear, the process is completed without the need for sewing, and it leaves no scars. After the procedure, you can return to daily life immediately. There may be mild bruising, swelling, and pain afterward. Applying ice compresses and using simple pain killers helps you to relieve. For two weeks after thread lifting, you need to try not to open your mouth too much. Also, excessive mimics are prohibited. You should not lie face down for three weeks following the procedure, and Do not rub your face. The follow-up will be the next day. It takes effect immediately.
The threads are entirely compatible with human skin, the outer material is silicone, and the inner material is polyester. Therefore, the threads do not have any side effects. Thanks to its thin structure, it looks natural, invisible under the skin. It is also reversible without damage when you are not happy with the result.
It takes a few months to see the full effects of the collagen boost be noticeable. Thread lift will help your skin look younger, and the rejuvenating will continue as your skin produces more collagen. The threads will dissolve under your skin after about six months. Some people have more prolonged effects thanks to their skin’s extra collagen after the lift. After all collagen material dissolves in your skin, you will notice the changes in your face.
You can discuss with our doctor if you are considering Infinity Lift. Also, an examination is held between the patient and the doctor for a detailed evaluation. You can mention your goals and whether it’s the proper treatment. A treatment plan is done in light of the information received from the patient. As a result of the evaluation, your process begins.