Belly Fat Loss
The Most Effective Natural and Medical Methods

fat accumulation in the belly area is a common problem of many people.
We try many ways such as cardio exercises for losing belly fat, spending hours in the gym, special diets, medical methods, and even plastic surgery; We spend hours exploring specific ways.
Many habits such as sedentary life, consuming fast food frequently because it seems more practical, and drinking alcohol cause belly fat to become more stubborn. Belly fat, which negatively affects both health and aesthetic appearance, also negatively affects psychology.
Losing weight is a psychologically and physically demanding process that requires effort, push, and willpower. Melting, especially belly fat, can be even more challenging. Fortunately; There are many ways to help us when we want to get rid of fat accumulation in the belly area.
Belly Fat Loss Methods
When we have a plump problem, the answers to our question “how does belly fat melt?” actually offer many different alternative ways. We can get support from various cures, special diet programs, movements that melt belly fat, regional fat-burning exercises, and medical methods to melt belly fat. We all have different criteria to choose the suitable one among the belly melting techniques. Some of us follow only natural ways to burn fat. Some of us resort to medical methods in addition to natural forms.
Regardless of the method used to lose weight or melt belly fat, you must first make sure that it is suitable. Whether the technique you do is natural or medical, it is always healthier to get advice and help from an expert on this subject. Also, you can avoid encountering an unpleasant situation.
Belly Fat Loss Cures
For burning fat, we can get the most effortless help from food—yogurt and lemon; One of the most effective foods in accelerating fat burning. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Saraçoğlu’s yogurt remedy helps melt belly fat, which people are trying it is delighted and whose effect is seen, consists of juice of half a lemon, three tablespoons of yogurt, and one teaspoon of chili pepper.
There are some rules to be considered while doing the yogurt cure. The first is to consume the treatment 3 hours before going to bed and drink nothing but water after that. Second, regularly doing the remedy for a maximum of 2 days a week and a minimum of 2 weeks. After that, it is necessary to pay attention to drinking 10-12 glasses of water per day on average since the yogurt remedy not only burns fat but also helps to remove toxins through urine. Saraçoğlu recommends that this detox cure be supported by diet and exercise and avoid foods containing oil, sugar, and flour.
* It is not recommended for those with stomach and intestinal problems. People who are pregnant or breastfeeding or have a specific disease should consult their doctor before this cure.
Belly Fat Loss Movements
Many people do not have the opportunity to exercise in the gym while busy with work during the week. Doing belly exercises at home is the most attractive solution for people in this situation. The critical movements of melting belly fat that can be done at home are as follows;
Crunches – Half Sit-Ups
Lie on your back on a flat surface and press the soles of your feet into the ground by bending your knees. Place your hands crossed on your chest or under your head. Hold the raised position for 3-5 seconds and lie down again. Inhale while lying down and exhale when getting up. You can melt the belly fat by working the abdominal muscles with this move.
Plank Exercise
It is one of the most challenging but most effective moves to melt belly fat. While lying on the face, the elbows are placed on the floor, and the hands are straight forward while standing on the toes with the feet extended. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds while taking deep breaths.
Flutter Kicks
Lie on your back. Clasp your hands behind your head and raise your head so that your shoulders are off the ground. At the same time, lift your legs 15 cm by cutting off the contact with the environment. Raise the right leg a little higher and lower it to the same level as your other leg. Repeat the same movement for your left leg.
Belly Fat Loss Diet
Your general weight and settled regional importance are significant in diet prescriptions. Diet programs should be arranged for the individual based on the person’s fat rate, metabolic rate, and daily movement habits. When you decide to lose belly fat by following a diet, it is best to consult a specialist and get a consultancy. The stereotypical diet lists without considering the characteristics of your body can disrupt your metabolism and make you vulnerable to various health problems.
The Best Medical Methods in Belly Fat Loss
One of the most effortless and effective ways is medical methods to melt belly fat for those who avoid surgical techniques. Cold lipolysis, G5 Massage, and injection lipolysis alternatives are the most effective medical techniques that help melt belly fat.
Belly Fat Loss with Cryolipolysis
Cold lipolysis allows the fat cells to be cooled between -5 / -10 degrees and removed from the body. The nice thing about the procedure is that no tissue other than adipose tissue is affected by this cooling process. Cold lipolysis deforms the cooled fat cells with shock by heating them afterward. Cryolipolysis can be performed to the bra line areas of the arms, legs, hips, hips, back, and belly area and can provide up to 16 cm of thinning.
Cold lipolysis can’t be done to people with severe liver and kidney disease, umbilical hernia, hard urticaria, cancer and AIDS, uncontrolled diabetes, low blood protein, and skin diseases such as psoriasis and vitiligo, cardiovascular disease or pacemaker, and during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Belly Fat Loss with G5 Massage
G5 is a massage device that applies rhythmic vibrations and pushing force through specially designed heads suitable for all skin types. It is ten times more effective and powerful than manual massages. G5 massage, which applies moving pressure and vibration to the area, has been used in cellulite treatments and regional slimming for many years.
Belly Fat Loss with Injection Lipolysis
The injection method provides the elimination of fat accumulation and deformity problems in several specific parts of the body (under the chin (jowl), neck, arms, abdomen, back, hips, and legs). Injection lipolysis is administered with 27-30 gauge (very fine-tipped) needles, 6-8 mm under the skin, as an injection of phosphatidylcholine, synthesized in the human body. It provides non-surgical regional slimming by successfully destroying regional fat cells that resist diet and exercise programs. The treatment, which is applied at intervals of 4-6 weeks, can be recommended between 3-8 sessions, although it varies according to the volume of the target fat mass.
You can contact us about the details you are wondering about the medical methods used in regional slimming and belly fat melting. You can get detailed information from our experts.