Excessive sweating is a problem that can cause many problems in both social and professional life. The problem of excessive sweating, which can be experienced in all seasons, makes itself felt more especially in the summer months. Sweating, which also causes bad odor formation in the body, is the best system that balances body temperature.
Causes of excessive sweating
The problem of excessive sweating can be localized or generalized. Our brain sends a warning to the sweat glands to work in order to normalize the temperature when the body temperature increases. Thanks to the sweat glands that start to secrete sweat, body temperature returns to normal and natural order is maintained. Localized sweating is experienced mainly under the armpits, but also on the hands, feet, back, face and under the chest. If there is a sweating condition that causes stains and deformation on clothes and causes a bad odor in the body, it can be said that the person has excessive sweating problem. Sweating problems can occur for two reasons: essential and secondary.
Essential Sweating: Excessive sweating triggered by emotional causes such as stress, excitement, tension, embarrassment.
Secondary Sweating: Excessive sweating caused by health conditions such as thyroid, high blood pressure, neurological disorders, menopause.

The Most Effective Excessive Sweating Treatment: Botox
The problem of excessive sweating can be treated with surgical interventions and botox. Since surgical treatments involving the complete removal of sweat glands by surgical methods are both laborious and scarring, the treatment method with botox seems much more attractive to patients and is preferred because it is a very effective and trouble-free treatment method.
Botox temporarily blocks the functioning of the nerves that reach and activate the sweat glands. To avoid pain during the treatment consisting of a single session, a numbing cream or spray is applied to the area to be treated. Applying a liquid that changes color with sweat to the treatment area is the first stage of the procedure. This is followed by injecting Botox into various points that are very close to each other in the treatment area with the help of very fine-tipped needles. After the procedure, which takes half an hour, you can continue your daily routines as you wish.
Sweating treatment with Botox; It can be applied to the armpit, palms and soles of the feet. The complaint of sweating stops completely 3-7 days after the procedure is performed, and the effect of the treatment continues for 9 months to 1 year.