Updated on November 12th, 2023
Eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty) is the process of tightening the eyelid by removing excess muscles and tissues that cause sagging on the upper and lower eyelids. Due to advancing age, sagging and collapse problems occur around the eyes. Sagging problems on the eyelids can be eliminated with a surgical procedure.
While the eyelids are tightened in eyelid aesthetics; bags and wrinkles around the eyes caused by excess fat tissues around the eyes are also corrected, giving a healthier, dynamic and youthful appearance.
Surgical risk is low in eyelid sagging that begins to occur at the ages of 35-40. Eyelid surgery is usually performed starting from this age. If deemed necessary for eye bag problems that occur due to genetic characteristics, the operation can be performed at an earlier age.
Eyelid Problems and Causes
Eyelid problems that cause an old and tired appearance can be listed as loose upper and lower eyelid skin, sagging, bagging, wrinkles, lines, herniation in the lower lids, color changes, sagging of the eye edges downwards and bruises. These problems, which can be triggered by genetic causes and advancing age, fatigue, insomnia, sunlight, alcohol and smoking, can be eliminated with eyelid aesthetics.

Types of Blepharoplasty
Blepharoplasty surgery can be performed in different ways, depending on the initial condition of the skin of the eyelids and periorbital region and the patient’s wishes.
The classic method is performed using a scalpel, but in some cases a surgical laser can be used to cut the skin. Alternatively, eyelid plastic surgery can be performed with the help of non-surgical methods – radio waves, cosmetic laser, microcurrent exposure.
- Lower blepharoplasty: Involves correction of the lower eyelids. Removal of excess skin and fatty tissue to eliminate bags, elimination of a pronounced nasolacrimal groove, tightening of the eyelid skin, especially the outer corners of the eyes. The incision is made at an indentation of 1.5-2 mm from the edge of the lower eyelid along the growth line of the eyelashes, so that after surgery there are almost no visible scars on the skin.
- Upper blepharoplasty: It aims to correct drooping and sagging of the upper eyelids and to elevate the outer corners. The incision is made along the natural fold line between the movable and fixed upper eyelid, which allows to minimize postoperative scars.
- Transconjunctival blepharoplasty: In this technique, the incision is made with a laser on the inside of the lower eyelid. This ensures the absence of stitches and rapid healing in the postoperative period. However, this method is not shown to everyone: this type of surgery is mainly suitable for young people when the skin turgor is in good condition and there is no excess skin. For others, classic plastic surgery will be more effective.
- Circumferential blepharoplasty: It involves the simultaneous correction of the upper and lower eyelids, which provides the most pronounced and noticeable aesthetic result: the face and the area around the eyes look 10-15 years younger.
How is Eyelid Surgery Performed?
Upper eyelid surgeries are performed under local anesthesia and lower eyelid surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. The incisions for the surgery are made in the upper eyelid to match the fold of the eyelid, and in the lower eyelid just below the eyelashes, so that the surgical scars can be easily hidden and prevented from being noticed.
While the operation takes approximately 1 hour in the upper eyelid, this time may vary between 2-4 hours in lower eyelid surgeries. In eyelid surgeries, as in all other surgical operations, blood thinners such as aspirin etc. should be discontinued 10 days before surgery.
The Importance of Choosing a Doctor for Eyelid Aesthetics
Eyelid aesthetics is as important as any surgical operation. Therefore, the doctor who will perform the operation should be chosen well. The correct evaluation of the patient’s muscle position by the physician who will perform the operation is a procedure based entirely on experience and knowledge, and it is very important for the correct surgery to be performed.
In eyelid aesthetics, the eyebrow structure should also be examined well. Because, if there is a low eyebrow structure, it may become more prominent after the operation. For this reason, if the person to undergo eyelid surgery has low eyebrows, eyebrow lift should also be performed. In some cases, only correcting the low eyebrow structure provides improvement in the eyelids.
Who is Not Suitable For?
- Diabetes
- Cancer
- Dry eye syndrome;
- Intraocular pressure, glaucoma;
- Recurrent conjunctivitis
- Acute infectious diseases;
- Failure of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, liver;
- Poor blood clotting;
- Pregnancy and lactation.
Things to Do Before Eyelid Surgery
- Aspirin and similar blood thinners should be stopped one week before surgery.
- Consumption of herbal teas such as green tea containing vitamin E should be stopped.
- Alcohol intake should be stopped and smoking should be minimized.
- You should avoid thermal procedures (hot bath, sauna, hammam, solarium).
- People with eye diseases such as hypertension, eye thyroid, eye pressure etc. should definitely inform their doctor before the operation.
What to Do After Eyelid Surgery
- Ice compresses should be applied around the eyes to prevent edema and bruising.
- High pillows should be preferred to accelerate the elimination of edema. Eyes should not be too tired during the first 5 days following the operation.
- Contact lenses should not be worn and make-up should not be applied for 15 days following the operation.
- Water should not touch the area for the first 5 days following the operation.
- It is recommended to wear sunglasses in the first two weeks after the operation and protect the eyes from excessive strain.
- Reading should not be done for the first two days following the operation and driving should be avoided for 5 days.
- Patients who use lenses can start using lenses again 1 week after eyelid aesthetics.
- After 1 week, daily routine can be resumed, but heavy lifting and heavy sports should be avoided for 2 weeks.
- Makeup around the eyes can be applied on days 10-14.
- During the first 1-2 weeks after the operation, blurred vision, sensitivity to light or tearing are normal and temporary conditions.
Cost of Eyelid Surgery in Turkey
The cost of eyelid surgery can vary depending on the volume and the correction method chosen.
For example, a circular eyelid plastic can range from 4,000 USD to 8,000 USD, including anesthesia and consumables. This is slightly more expensive than simply removing sagging upper eyelids or tightening the lower eyelids. The price of laser correction of the eyelids will be slightly higher than the cost of classical blepharoplasty, but the rehabilitation period in the first case will be much easier and faster.